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We own a fleet of equipment dedicated to this type of heavy-lift logistics and we ensure the moving of your heavy loads, no matter their weights or dimensions. 


We are here for you : give us a call and we will study your request.


The laws regarding a transport of indivisible masses

Because of their exceptional dimensions, heavy transports can create some problems of circulation.


If they are really heavy, they can have an impact on the road and its structures (for example : on bridges). To minimize the risks of degradation, there are a number of security rules that must be followed : No convoy can be on the move without an administrative authorization for heavy transport (as a heavy transport expert, it is our job to ask for permission from the authority in charge). 


We study the feasibility of your heavy transport and we guarantee an exemplary take of actions in the respect of the law and with safety conditions of circulation.

Two engines of our fleet are dedicated

Our fleet includes, as well as tuff trailers and trucks crane

  • Flatbed semi-trailers. Underloaded or not, this type of trucks is required to transport long loads (for example : long industrial pieces) 

  • Extendable semi-trailers. This system allows us to adapt the length of the semi-trailer by extending the carrying part of the semi. Very useful for forestry or construction occupations to bring long metallic elements on construction sites. 



27 avenue Marie Curie

ZI du Bois de Leuze

13310 Saint Martin de Crau


Tel. : 04 90 47 09 75


Office open Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.


Intervention 7/24.

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